WMR Voice Input

WMR Voice Input

This document describes the allowed phrases for Littlstar VR Cinema WMR app. Below you will find the phrase mapping to the action in the app, if you have any questions or voice suggestions please reach out to support@littlstar.com.

open featuredOpens the Featured pane on the main navigation bar. 
open categoriesOpens the Categories pane on the main navigation bar. 
open channelsOpens the Channels pane on the main navigation bar. 
open homeOpens the Home pane on the main navigation bar. 
open libraryOpens the Library pane on the main navigation bar.
download videoBegins to download the video currently in focus on the info page.Will only work if the video is available to be downloaded.
cancel downloadCancels the download in progress that is currently visible on the info page.Will only work if the video is currently downloading.
delete videoDeletes the video in focus on the info page.Will only work if the video is downloaded.
open playerOpens the video player interface during a video. 
playWill load and play the video currently in focus.If you are in a video and the video is paused, you can say "play" to resume the video.
play nextWill play the next video in the queue if there is one. 
stopStops the video from playing and returns to the main interface. 
pausePauses the currently playing video. 
seek forwardSeeks the video forward by a constant amount.Default is 30 seconds.
seek backwardSeeks the video backward by a constant amount.Default is 30 seconds.
start seek forwardWill begin to seek forward as if the joystick is being held until "stop seek" is said.Seeks 10 seconds every 0.25 seconds.
start seek backwardWill begin to seek backward as if the joystick is being held until "stop seek" is said.Seeks 10 seconds every 0.25 seconds.
stop seekStops auto-seeking. 
seek (amount) ahead, seek (amount) backSeek by greater set intervals up to 5 minutes.

Options: 30 seconds, 1 minute, 2 minutes, 5 minutes

Eg: "seek 2 minutes ahead", "seek 30 seconds back"

enterMimics hitting the 'A' button on a gamepad. 
backMimics hitting the 'B button on a gamepad. 
move upMimics hitting the analog stick or the dpad up. 
move downMimics hitting the analog stick or the dpad down. 
move leftMimics hitting the analog stick or the dpad left. 
move rightMimics hitting the analog stick or the dpad right. 

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