The following table shows the versions of the Littlstar VR Cinema app for which sideloading is available on the Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and WMR. Sideloading support has been added for playback of videos from internal and external PC storage drives through our player. There are a few simple steps that must be followed to get videos to play back correctly; please read through the instructions below and reach out to if you have any questions.

Vive>= 1.0Viveport


>= 2.0Steam
Rift>= 2.01Steam
Rift>= 2.0Oculus


If you've enjoyed our new sideloading feature, please donate to help support further improvements!



Bitcoin: 3GvzNYQ7KaqZCyb1CrFHzxLd6GtYnePPPv
Ethereum: 0x77069dF0E40789C1204784936f572928B2Aa4485
Zcash: t1f8wqTu5pqq3CVDbm8A8oBJepFXcMutoVC
Litecoin: MFEmoWNEHXUb6xr81vwJcTBRsy27Tbdcmn
Monero: 46Z9BGQqkJe9sAyGrAGxCWBE3a8G3or7z2grabK4UE9gdt1dHnAfD55Ls7Snre5XnwUes9rzQRgvKiVoV2ueaoefEx6qUFY

Supported video types

Video Type180 SBS180 OU/TB360 SBS360 OU/TBFF 2DFF 3D SBS


Supported (Y/N)YYYYYYY

WMR Setup

  • Create a directory named "Littlstar" at the root of your user's Videos folder

Rift/Vive Setup

  • Create a directory named "Littlstar" at the root of one of your computer's drives or a usb storage drive
    • Ex: "C:/Littlstar", "D:/Littlstar", etc.
    • If there are multiple drives with a root Littlstar folder, then the application will load videos from all the drives
  • the name of the folder is case-insensitive

All videos need to be placed in this folder or they will not be able to be read by the app.

File naming conventions

There are specific naming conventions to which videos must adhere for the app to recognize the type of video it needs to render. By default, the Littlstar player will attempt to render a mono (non 3D) equirectangular 360 video. Therefore it is not necessary to explicitly add "360" to the file name. Prior to any of the following file descriptors, an underscore is needed, as seen in the examples section.

180 Videos

  • file name needs to contain "180"

OverUnder/TopBottom Videos

  • file name needs to contain either "ou", "tb", or "bt"

SideBySide/LeftRight Videos

  • file name needs to contain either "sbs", "lr" or "rl"


  • myvideo_180.mp4
  • myvideo_180_ou.mp4
  • myvideo_180_tb.mp4
  • myvideo_180_bt.mp4
  • myvideo_180_sbs.mp4
  • myvideo_180_lr.mp4
  • myvideo_180_rl.mp4
  • myvideo.mp4
  • myvideo_ou.mp4
  • myvideo_tb.mp4
  • myvideo_bt.mp4
  • myvideo_sbs.mp4
  • myvideo_lr.mp4
  • myvideo_rl.mp4
  • myvideo_2dff.mp4
  • myvideo_3dff_ou.mp4
  • myvideo_3dff_tb.mp4
  • myvideo_3dff_bt.mp4
  • myvideo_3dff_sbs.mp4
  • myvideo_3dff_lr.mp4
  • myvideo_3dff_rl.mp4

Recommended Settings

To ensure proper playback and to be able to support as many videos as possible, we recommend some basic encoding guidelines:

Video Requirements

  • TBD

Audio Requirements

  • TBD

Container Requirements

  • File extensions: MP4

Known Issues

  • Video files will not load if the video's format extension is not lowercase (IE ".mp4", not ".MP4")
  • Videos may not playback correctly if they do not include an audio channel. Even if your video is silent, make sure to encode the video with at least one audio channel. Other known issues include videos with multiple channels (3 or more) playing back with no audio. Please adhere to the audio specs for ideal audio formatting.
  • Fixed frame (2D) video is only supported on WMR currently. Support for Rift and Vive is forthcoming.